Submit a Pay Application

Learn how to fill out your progress invoice, update compliance documents, and sign the conditional lien waiver & pay application.

Click the Projects icon, next click View to navigate to your project.

Click the Receivables tab. Here you can view the status and details of previously submitted pay applications as well as submit new pay applications

To view the status of a specific pay application, choose the pay application you wish to view and click View.

To create a new pay application, click Create Receivable.

Step 1: Fill out the G702/G703 styled progress invoice

From the Invoice Screen:

  1. Specify the amount to bill for each line item by adding a dollar amount or indicating the % of work completed.
  2. Add dollar amounts for each line item where you'd like to bill for stored materials.
  3. Indicate whether this is a final application or leave the toggle as-is if it's a progress invoice.

Once the pay application details are entered, proceed to the next step by clicking Sign & Submit.

Step 2: Update compliance requirements

Upload any missing or out of date compliance documents by clicking Upload File. 

Once updated, proceed to the next step, click Next

Step 3: Sign the conditional lien waiver

To add your signature to the conditional lien waiver, click Start .

Add your signature, title, and today's date to the lien waiver. Once added, click Finish.

Once the lien waiver details have been provided, you can proceed to the next step by clicking Next.

Step 4: Sign the pay application

To add your signature to the pay application, click Start .

Add your signature and today's date to the pay application. Once added, click Finish.

Once the pay application is signed, click Submit, and your pay application will be sent to the General Contractor for review.